25thFebruary 2019 was claimed to be the hottest February Day ever recorded. The sun shone all day and despite the early morning frost, it felt like Spring. The best place to enjoy Spring has got to be the ‘Strawberry Line’.

I was not the only person to take advantage of the glorious weather. Two young Mums were pushing their babies in pushchairs at the same time as answering their phones ! The normal rash of cyclists all trying to beat the speed record for the track and lots of Joggers. One ambitious walker asked how far it was to Wells. Perhaps he had a dose of ‘Spring Fever’.

Michael Greaves

One of the first trees to flower on the Strawberry Line before it gets any leaves is the ‘Sloe’ or ‘Blackthorn’. The delicate white flowers even attracted a wandering Bee.
The warm sunny weather has brought on the Hazel and they are all draped in trailing ‘Catkins’. This should mean we will get an abundant crop of Cobnuts in the Autumn.
I always enjoy seeing ‘Old Mans Beard’. Its one of the winter treats like clumps of cotton wool with the seeds about to fall out and start the process of sowing, growing, flowering and forming seeds all over again. The Strawberry Line is looking good for another 150 years. It will be celebrating its birthday of the first train on 3rdAugust 1869.