Congresbury Community Transport (CCT) is a registered charity whose objectives are as follows:

To provide relief and help to the people of Congresbury village and surrounding area, especially those who have need because of age, mental or physical disability, poverty or social isolation, in particular but not exclusively by:

(1) providing and maintaining non-profit making community transport services

(2) assisting the charitable work of organisations and bodies engaged in promoting help for such persons by providing appropriate services

(3) contributing to mobility and working in the community in furtherance of the above.

We are extremely proud of our minibus, fondly referred to as Bluey. With a generous capacity of 14 passenger seats plus our MIDAS trained driver, Bluey is equipped with a hydraulic lift to facilitate wheelchair access, enabling us to accommodate up to 2 wheelchairs at a time.

Bookings can be made by contacting our Bookings Manager on 01934 257247 or by email at