Details |
There are two walks per month – on the first Tuesday and the third Sunday. Tuesday walks are in the morning and are about 2 to 4 miles in the vicinity of the village or locations nearby. Sunday walks are planned for the day and can be from 5 to 9 miles and are further afield. Bluey, the village mini-bus is used on Sundays to transport members. Meetings are held twice a year to plan the walks programme. There is a summer outing in July to the seaside, where there is a choice of activities, from an energetic ramble to a lazy day on the beach. In the Autumn members enjoy a weekend away, for many years in Devon, but now we’ve ventured as far as Cornwall. A traditional Boxing Day walk attracts a good number of villagers and guests. Membership costs £2.50 per year and there is a small cost levied for each walk, plus a charge for Bluey, The group is covered by insurance. The winter and summer programmes and posters for each walk are posted on the 3 village noticeboards, on the village website and in the library. Details of each walk are also printed in the local newspapers, magazines and the village diary. New walkers are always welcome, and their dogs, where allowable. |