Old School Rooms
Looking for a venue? Why not hire the Old School Rooms, Station Road, Congresbury, BS49 5DX. Our rates are very reasonable and start at just £6.00 per hour. Click here for web site
Scout Hut At Mill Leg
Suitable for parties, meetings etc. Fully inclusive price of £10 per hour. Children’s Parties £25 per party. The hut comprises one large hall plus 3 small side rooms. Please contact Jackie Fox 01934 876856 or Jackie@csak.co.uk.
Youth Club
Riverside Car Park. Ideal location for parties and celebrations, close to church, Millennium Green and Ball Court. £15 per party, includes kitchen, plenty of tables and chairs. Negotiable rates for regular hires. Alex Ballard 01934 853201
Email cidercot@hotmail.co.uk
Congresbury War Memorial Hall
Activity | Social Club | Appleshed | Skittles |
Badminton | Billiards & Snooker | Bingo | |
Karate | Folk Night | Book Sales | |
Morris Dancing | Aero Modellers Club | Zumba | |
Young Farmers Activities |
Details | Book Sales 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month. Aero Modellers meet 2nd Thursday of the month. Social Club open Mon and Friday (with draw) from 7:30. |
Contact | Phone | 01934 832727 |