Polo Aviation
Helicopter company offering private charters and pleasure flights
Wrington Road, Congresbury, Bristol, BS49 5AP
Tel: 01934 877000
website: www.poloaviation.com
Congresbury Carers
Transport for the elderly and those unable to use public transport.
Contact Margaret Leimdorfer Phone: 01934 834663
Congresbury Community Transport
For information about Congresbury Community Transport and the running of the bus – click here for Bluey’s Calendar of phone Bluey’s Booking Manager on 01934 257247
Traction Wedding Cars
With these classic French saloons the romance and chic of Paris will help make your special day the day you will always remember.
Click here for web site
Yeo Valley Lions Shopping Trip
Yeo Valley Lions yellow minibus goes to Weston Super Mare every second Thursday. Usual stops are Tesco and the Sovereign Centre. Other stops en route, such as Morrisons and Winterstoke Road (for Dunelm, The Range, Halfords etc can be made by arrangement. One-way return trips to help you with getting your shopping home can also be arranged, space permitting.
Pick up around Congresbury is between 2pm and 2.15pm depending on location, and the return trip leaves Weston at 4pm and drops off between 4.30 and 5pm.
Information from Lions 07551610514 or
Alex Ballard 01934 853201 email: cidercot@hotmail.co.uka>