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Planning Application 17 Southside Congresbury BS49 5BS

DateThu 29 Jun 2023
Application TypeRequest to discharge condition numbers 7 and 11
DevelopmentRequest to discharge condition numbers 7 (No development shall take place, including any works of demolition, until a Construction Method Statement has been submitted to, and approved by the Local Planning Authority) and condition 11 (energy saving by reducing carbon emissions generated by the building use). from application 21/P/0554/FUL.

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Planning Application 24 Verlands Congresbury BS49 5BL

DateTue 06 Jun 2023
Application TypePrior approval request
DevelopmentPrior approval request for the erection of a single storey rear extension with a flat roof that would 1) extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by 5.40 metres; 2) have a maximum height of 3.30 metres and 3) have eaves that are 3.30 metres high.

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Planning Application Land Off Wrington Lane Congresbury

DateWed 15 Feb 2023
Application TypeNon material amendment to application 19/P/1657/RM
DevelopmentNon material amendment to application 19/P/1657/RM ( Reserved Matters application for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of 50no. dwellings and associated work pursuant to outline permission 16/P/1521/O ) The amended plans concern a materials layout plan showing an additional brick added to be used as a detail brick. This new brick is also depicted on a materials sheet. Additionally, due to internal discussions regarding standard product; barge boards have been removed from all housetypes and garages where practicable. Because of these changes, the corresponding plans from reserved matters application19/P/1657/RM are to be amended

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New Rec Club plans get go-ahead

An artist’s impression of the new pavilion and Recreation Club with the players’ balcony

Ambitious plans to rebuild Congresbury’s ageing Recreation Club as a two-storey, multi-functional pavilion and clubhouse have been approved by North Somerset planners.

A very rough cost estimate is between £1.2million and £1.4million giving the team behind the rebuild, known as Project Construct, two priorities, explains Les Owen, chairman of the King George V Trustees and president of Congresbury Cricket Club. 

The first is to develop more detailed plans and costs and agree the building approach. The second is to develop the fundraising strategy and plans. 

Project Construct already has a small group of people with building and project management experience serving on a development committee. Their role is to determine the detailed approach to the rebuild. They will also be responsible for seeking proposals from builders and appointing contractors.

“If anyone else in the village with relevant experience wants to join us, they would be very welcome,” said Mr Owen adding that the Trustees will act as the developer with all funding, accounting and financial control through the Trustees’ accounts.

A fundraising committee is also being established. Project Construct already has the backing of benefactors who have pledged significant financial support and is being advised by the England Cricket Board (ECB) and the Somerset Cricket Foundation.

Revised plans to rebuild the Rec Club were submitted to North Somerset planners in July last year following consultation with the ECB and feedback from North Somerset to initial pre-planning submissions made in November 2021.

The new sports and recreation building will have four separate unisex changing rooms and showers for both the cricket and tennis clubs for men, women and children to use on the upper level.  This layout creates far more space for the social activities of the club on the ground floor that can be divided into two so both private and members’ use is possible at the same time. It can also be opened up into one area for larger events.

“The new sports and recreation club building will deliver an important, modern facility in the centre of Congresbury,” said Mr Owen, adding that the trustees and the project committee would like to hear from anyone who is interested in helping in any way with this exciting village development.

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Planning Application 23 Southside Congresbury BS49 5BS

DateWed 01 Feb 2023
Application TypeFull Planning Permission
DevelopmentPrior approval request for the erection of a single storey rear extension with a flat roof that would 1) extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by 6.00 metres; 2) have a maximum height of 3.40 metres and 3) have eaves that are 3.00 metres high

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Developers M7 lodge new plan

There’s been little to report on CRAG (Congresbury Residents’ Action Group) v developers in recent weeks. But now M7, the company seeking to build 90 houses on land behind Park Road, has placed ten new documents on North Somerset council’s planning website. 

One of those documents is a revised plan that somehow ignores the fact that in recent weeks much of the land resembled a lake rather than a field. More on this when the documents have been examined.

At the other end of the village, developer Vistry has agreed to halt putting in foundations to the 50 new houses off Wrington Lane after CRAG pointed out that no such work could start until the continuous footway had been constructed.

Although the objections to the creation of a footway down part of Wrington Lane had to be abandoned because of the potentially enormous costs involved CRAG is still keen to ensure that Vistry keeps to the conditions of the application, by not starting work until the pavement is installed all the way along the lane. The company has also agreed to stop making early morning working which was causing annoyance to local residents.

John Mills