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Land At Well Park Congresbury

DateTue 22 Oct 2024
Application TypeTree Works
DevelopmentA group of trees (TPO refs – T9, T10 and G3), including sycamore, willow and poplar growing along the southern border of 24 well Park. These have been historically managed as pollards at 2.5m and now have regrowth between 10 and 15m. 2) A group of 3 willows (TPO ref – G2) to the rear of 24 Well Park includes a tree that is twin stemmed from base with a heavy lean towards the garden to the east. Tree to be pollarded to 7-8m and then managed as a pollard on a cyclical basis. 3) A smaller tree in this group (TPO ref G2) is directly impacting a wooden structure within the neighbour’s garden. To be coppiced to ground level and managed as such to ensure no future structural issues.

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57 Park Road Congresbury BS49 5HE

DateMon 14 Oct 2024
Application TypeNon-material amendment to application
DevelopmentNon-material amendment to application 23/P/2678/FUH (Proposed demolition of existing front porch and erection of a single storey front extension in place.) to allow for the addition of a circular window to be built into the south elevation high wall to let more light into the constructed porch.

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29 Southlands Way Congresbury BS49 5BW

DateTue 21 Nov 2023
Application TypeMinor material amendment to 22/P/1291/FUH
DevelopmentMinor material amendment to 22/P/1291/FUH (Proposed erection of a two storey rear extension to North East elevation.) to allow change from approved brick finish to grey weatherboard cladding at first floor level.

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Cowslip Corner Brinsea Lane Congresbury BS49 5JW

DateMon 06 Nov 2023
Application TypeFull Planning Permission
DevelopmentProposed erection of a two-storey side extension to the eastern elevation, erection of a two storey and first-floor side extension to the western elevation and raising of the principle roof. Demolition of the existing garage and conservatory.

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Land At Brinsea Green Farm Brinsea Lane Congresbury

DateWed 25 Oct 2023
Application TypeFull Planning Permission
DevelopmentProposed Installation and operation of a renewable energy generating station comprising ground-mounted photovoltaic solar arrays and battery-based electricity storage containers together with a switchgear container, inverter/transformer units, a substation, site access, internal access tracks, security measures, access gates, other ancillary infrastructure and landscaping and biodiversity enhancements, with a widened gated access at the junction of Brinsea Green Farm and Brinsea Lane.

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Planning Application 39 Park Road Congresbury BS49 5HJ

DateFri 06 Oct 2023
Application TypeFull Planning Permission
DevelopmentProposed demolition of existing rear conservatory and erection of a 2 storey rear extension. Partial garage conversion and creation of pitched roof above. Replacement and alteration to all existing windows, installation of 2no. new windows at the first floor and extension of existing hard standing.

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Scheme for 90 Houses Behind Park Road & Mulberry Road

Congresbury’s residents are being urged to attend next Wednesday’s meeting of North Somerset Council’s planning committee to demonstrate their opposition to a new housing scheme.

The scheme, for up to 90 houses on a field behind Park and Mulberry Roads, has been hanging over residents for more than 18 months while land agents M7 tried to answer more than 1,000 objections to the plan.

Because the officer has recommended approval, Congresbury’s district councillor Dan Thomas has referred the matter to the council’s planning committee.

Said CRAG’s Mary Short: “This would be a high density, urban development on an ecologically, historically and socially important site which is totally inappropriate.

“Also, M7 seems to be trying to influence the decision by promising to build a new surgery. Their previous attempt at this was not supported by either the NHS or Mendip Vale Medical Practice, so it is a pointless offer.”

The Planning Committee meeting is scheduled for 2.30pm next Wednesday at Weston town hall, entrance through the old building.

Planning Application 42 Venus Street Congresbury BS49 5EZ

DateThu 14 Sep 2023
Application TypeFull Planning Permission
DevelopmentProposed demolition of existing front dormer and erection of 2no. replacement dormers in place, with 1no. velux window between. Erection a large rear dormer with Juliet balcony, replacement of windows and door within existing front porch and extension of flat roof over existing carport to create a canopy.

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