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Congresbury Cricket Club

Congresbury Cricket Club president Les Owen has decided to stand down from his role of leading the team behind plans to rebuild the ageing Rec Club and asked for the following to be posted on the village website.

In his resignation note to the club’s trustees he said:

“Some of you will recall that I volunteered to lead a project which we named Plan B in 2020. Originally this was to produce a ‘Plan B’ for the refurbishment/replacement of the ageing Rec Club building in the event that the New Village Hall project was not successful (which turned out to be the case). This became Project Construct when the NVH project ended

Since then, in summary, Project Construct has:

  1. Produced high level concept plans for a new building and got support of the Trustees, the Rec Club and the CC/FC/TC and the Parish Council
  2. Engaged architects (Stride Treglown) to produce more detailed plans to satisfy ECB and Sport England requirements
  3. Engaged numerous consultants to produce reports to enable an application for planning permission to be submitted mid 2022
  4. Received planning consent from N Somerset in December 2022
  5. Attempted to kick off the fund raising by seeking local community support and the development of local fund raising targets and plans, an essential first step before approaching grant funding bodies, corporates, HNWs etc

I put a very substantial amount of my time into this phase over two and a half years. I have tried to get the local fund raising off the ground but the lack of support from local people willing to take responsibility for elements of this has been very disappointing. After six months of trying to find an individual or small group who would lead this there were some volunteers in August 2023. However there has been very little progress since then not least because those volunteers have full time jobs and family and other responsibilities. I thank them for their efforts but we are not making any meaningful progress and I think it is time for a change.

Whilst I remain supportive I am no longer prepared to keep banging my head against a wall facing the apathy shown by many from whom I had hoped for more tangible support.  I have decided that I am not going to continue trying to lead this initiative. I will continue to support the project if that would be helpful if someone else, or a group of people, steps up to lead it going forward. I feel that new leadership is needed if there is any chance of getting local fund raising going.”

Congresbury Singers news!

A new term for the Congresbury Singers starts on Tuesday 3rd September at the War Memorial Hall in Congresbury at 7.30pm. All are welcome – no audition is required so please do pop along if you are interested!

Notification of Planning Appeal – Land north of Mulberry Road, Congresbury – 22/P/0459/OUT



Site Address: Land north of Mulberry Road Congresbury BS49 5HD

Description of development: Outline planning application for the erection of up to 70no. dwellings (including 30% affordable housing), public open space, children’s play area, landscaping, sustainable urban drainage system and engineering works, with vehicular access off Mulberry Road. All matters reserved except for means of access.

Application Ref:           22/P/0459/OUT

Appellant’s Name:      M7 Planning Limited and M7 SW LLP

Appeal Reference       APP/D0121/W/24/3344142

Appeal Start Date        7 June 2024

For more details click here

Garden shed break in – Glen Yeo Terrace

A garden shed was broken into on Glen Yeo Terrace, Congresbury, between 8pm on the 12th and 10am on the 13th. The suspects gained entry by ripping the lock from the door, where inside a pressure washer, batteries, and two chainsaws were stolen.

Any information, CCTV images, please contact the Police on 101 quoting reference number: 5224122585 stating NHW. Or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Thank you for your support.


Travel news – Wood Hill / A370 junction closure

Those who have kept a keen eye on the roadworks via OneNetwork will no doubt be aware that the Wood Hill junction is due for closure from 25th March. Signs up on Wood Hill show that this closure will be longer than is currently being shown on OneNetwork – indicating that it will be closed until 23rd August. The closure is part of North Somerset’s Bus Service Improvement Plan. This is just a warning to those who may not pass by that way every day!

Love Congresbury

Love Congresbury is a volunteer organisation to love and support our village through community projects and events and acts as the Congresbury Village Fete Committee.

Details Please visit our Facebook Page.
Contact Kirsty Bowles Phone 01934 833 126 Address St Andrew’s Church, Station Road, Congresbury, North Somerset, BS49 5DX

Break-in and Theft from a Van

The police has informed us that a van was broken into overnight on the 24th whilst parked on a driveway in Southlands Way, Congresbury. The suspect forced entry via the side door of the VW Caddy, where inside power tools were stolen from within.

Any information, CCTV images, please contact the Police on 101 quoting reference number: 5224021253 stating NHW. Or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Thank you for your support.


Burglary in Cobthorn Way

The police has informed us that a home was burgled in Cobthorn Way, Congresbury, between 1:22am and 1:45am on the 26th. The suspect gained access to the rear garden where they then used a snapper tool to remove a lock from the back door. Inside car keys were stolen from the kitchen before the owner’s vehicle was taken. The car was later recovered.

Any information, CCTV images, please contact the Police on 101 quoting reference number: 5224021843 stating NHW. Or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Thank you for your support.


YACWAG – Jan / Feb 2024 diary dates

Saturday 6th January: Window Wanderland workshop for youth group leaders. 10am – 12noon Yatton Library, High Street, BS49 4HJ and 3 – 5pm Congar’s Cafe, 1, Broad Street, Congresbury, BS49 5DG. Please email to attend.

Saturday 13th January: 10am – 3pm Trees for Climate planting day. Cobthorn Reserve, Congresbury, BS49 5DS. Please bring a spade and work gloves. Let us know you are coming by emailing

Sunday 14th January: as above, reserve date in case of bad weather or work unfinished.

Thursday 25th January: 7.30pm for 7.45pm start at the Old School Rooms, Station Road (A370) Congresbury, BS49 5DY. “The Belmont Project” – an illustrated talk by Gil Martin, about the local regenerative farming project.

Thursday 15th, Friday 16th and Saturday 17th February: 5.30 – 8.30pm. YACWAG’s Window Wanderland on the theme “Nature as our Neighbour.” Please decorate your street-facing window and leave the lights on to help create an illuminated walking trail for the community.

Thursday 22nd February: 7.30pm for 7.45pm start at Horsecastle Chapel, Horsecastle Farm Road, Yatton, BS49 4QQ. “Round YACWAG’s Reserves” – an update by Richard Croucher. Illustrated talk suitable for those new to YACWAG and those who heard the previous talk some years ago.

29 Southlands Way Congresbury BS49 5BW

DateTue 21 Nov 2023
Application TypeMinor material amendment to 22/P/1291/FUH
DevelopmentMinor material amendment to 22/P/1291/FUH (Proposed erection of a two storey rear extension to North East elevation.) to allow change from approved brick finish to grey weatherboard cladding at first floor level.

Link to full details

Cowslip Corner Brinsea Lane Congresbury BS49 5JW

DateMon 06 Nov 2023
Application TypeFull Planning Permission
DevelopmentProposed erection of a two-storey side extension to the eastern elevation, erection of a two storey and first-floor side extension to the western elevation and raising of the principle roof. Demolition of the existing garage and conservatory.

Link to full details