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Congresbury Art Group

Activity Watercolour painting group. Also experimenting with acrylics, pastels and other mediums.
Details A friendly group of local people who meet every Wednesday, during term-time, at The Old School Rooms, Congresbury from 10 o’clock until 1 pm. A mixed ability group ranging from beginners to more experienced painters who all learn from each other and also from tutors as and when funds allow.
Contact Mary Short Phone 01934833764 Email

Yatton Rugby Club

Activity Rugby for all ages.
Details Yatton is a traditional village rugby club. We currently run 3 senior men’s sides and have a full mini and junior section starting from the age of 5. In addition we also run very successful girls teams at under 15’s and under 18’s. Pop along and take a look.
Click here for Web Site.
Contact Ian Rudge Phone 07872 373320 Email

Ladies Friendly Circle

Activity Variety of speakers, occasional Members’ Evenings.
Details All age groups welcome. Normally between 25 and 30 attend. Meetings on fourth Wednesday of every month September to April at 7:45pm in the Methodist School Room. For the full programme – see What’s On
Contact  Mary Krawczehko Phone  01934 832356 Email

Spartans Explorer Scout Unit

Activity The Scout Association provide Adventurous Activities and also Personal Development.
Details Explorer Scouts is the fourth section of the Scout Association for those aged 14-18, male or female. Spartans are located in Sandford Scout Hut, but are linked to Congresbury, Winscombe and Banwell Scout Groups.
We meet on Mondays 7.30pm – 9.30pm, however, we don’t always meet at Sandford it depends on the Termly Programme created by the Explorers themselves.
Contact Gareth Thomas Phone  01934 823177 Email


Activity Yatton, Congresbury Claverham and Cleeve Archaeological Group – Archeology
Details  Please visit our Web Site.
Contact Chris Short Phone 01934 833764 Email

Congresbury Billiards & Snooker Club

Activity Club open every evening from 5:30pm in the War Memorial Hall. Two full size tables. League play available for more serious players.
Details The lights over the tables are paid for by tokens available from the Social Club bar in the War Memorial Hall.
Contact Irving Prowse Phone 01934 832004

Congresbury Bowling Club

Activity Lawn green bowling from April to September for men and ladies of all ages from junior up to the most senior. Short Mat bowls is played indoors in the clubhouse from October to March.
Details Please visit our Web Site
Contact The Secretary Email

Yeo Valley Children’s Centre

Activity All sorts of children’s activities.
Details A Baby Hub run by Health Visitors meets between 10:00 – 11:30am on Mondays, where new mums can have their baby weighed.
We have a group called Sensory Fun for babies which is aimed at non-walking babies on Tuesdays 1:00 – 2:00.
And we have a group for young toddlers on Tuesdays 9:30 – 10:15am

Please see our current What’s on for the surrounding area

Contact Natalie Hawtin or Marian Armitage Phone 01934 426643 Email Central.Children’

Congresbury Brass

Activity Non-competing brass band.
Details Details An established, friendly brass band who play at village fetes, bandstands, carol services etc, raising money for charitable causes where they can. We welcome players of all standards, and have even tempted several returning players to pick up their instrument for the first time in over 10 years! We play a variety of music old and new, classical and light and seek to support any personal favourites. Practices are on a Friday evening 7.30 – 9.30 in the Methodist Church Hall, Congresbury, where we support and encourage each other to play to our best in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere that rounds off the week. There are some instruments available on a free-loan basis.
Contact Stuart Lovell Phone 07986 007829 Email

St Andrew’s Church Bell Ringers

Activity  Bell ringing in St Andrew’s Church.
Details  We are a secular band of Bell Ringers who aim to develop and maintain ringing skills in a friendly  environment making use of one of Congresbury’s hidden treasures – the fourth heaviest peal of 8 bells in the entire World. Three of these bells date from 1606. We ring for Church Services including Weddings as required and we practice virtually every Wednesday evening between 7.45 and 9.00pm and offer a warm welcome to visiting ringers and indeed anyone who would like to see what we do with a view to perhaps taking up bell ringing – please ring first for details.
Contact John L Dunster Phone 01934 261457 Email

St Andrew’s Toddler Drop-in Group

Activity Drop-in play session for parents, grandparents and carers with children aged 0-3 years.
Details  Every Thursday (term-time) between 9.15am and 11:45am in the refectory. An opportunity to meet other local parents, grandparents or carers with children. There are a variety of toys and games and children are offered a drink and biscuit/snack. CRB checked volunteers will invite children into a different room for about an hour each session to give parents a break and an opportunity to take part in a creative activity and enjoy a hot drink. (Parents do not have to leave their children if they would prefer not to). Sessions are free, but donations are welcome. Booking required on the Wednesday evening before each session on the number below.
Contact Monica White Phone 01934 833850

Congresbury Community Preschool

Activity Under 5’s education – learning through play
Details We are a well-established Pre-school in the village of Congresbury, founded over 25 years ago in the old school rooms. We have grown considerably over the years and are lucky to have our own portakabin building with a lovely spacious garden within the grounds of St Andrew’s Primary School. We now offer places to all children from 2 to 4 year olds. All staff have recognised childcare qualifications and years of experience in supporting children to reach their full potential as set out in the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation stage. This states that as practitioners we must consider the individual needs, interests and stages of development of all children in our care. We provide opportunities and activities that enable the children to develop their skills in all areas of learning in line with their individual needs.
Contact Teresa Turner Phone 01934 707262 Email

Congresbury Footpaths Group

Activity Congresbury Footpaths Group was founded in March 1993 with the aim of ensuring that the footpaths within the village boundary were walked regularly. This is still done today, although walks are not confined to the village and the Group will often travel to neighbouring counties, especially for the Sunday walks.
Details There are two walks per month – on the first Tuesday and the third Sunday. Tuesday walks are in the morning and are about 2 to 4 miles in the vicinity of the village or locations nearby. Sunday walks are planned for the day and can be from 5 to 9 miles and are further afield. Bluey, the village mini-bus is used on Sundays to transport members. Meetings are held twice a year to plan the walks programme. There is a summer outing in July to the seaside, where there is a choice of activities, from an energetic ramble to a lazy day on the beach. In the Autumn members enjoy a weekend away, for many years in Devon, but now we’ve ventured as far as Cornwall. A traditional Boxing Day walk attracts a good number of villagers and guests. Membership costs £2.50 per year and there is a small cost levied for each walk, plus a charge for Bluey, The group is covered by insurance. The winter and summer programmes and posters for each walk are posted on the 3 village noticeboards, on the village website and in the library. Details of each walk are also printed in the local newspapers, magazines and the village diary. New walkers are always welcome, and their dogs, where allowable.

Contact Mary Abbott Phone 01934 834207 Email
Julia Koblizek 01934 838182

Congresbury Gardens and Allotments Association


Activity To promote an interest in Allotments and Gardens. Encourage good practice, enjoyment and the benefits of having an allotment. Help and advise members on cultivation and sustainability. Liaise with the Parish council on matters concerning the allotments site and its environs.
Details Congresbury Allotments and Gardeners Association was formed to represent the tenants of Congresbury Parish Council who rent a plot on the Bristol Road Allotments. Membership gives the opportunity to obtain 50% discount on seeds from Kings and of 10% on garden supplies  purchased from the Garden Park centre, 2 miles down the A370 at the left turn for Puxton. The allotments shop will open on 4 consecutive Saturday mornings in Spring for the sale of bamboo canes, Growmore  and slug pellets. Non-allotment holders are welcome to join and will enjoy the same discount benefits as allotment holders. Please visit our Web Site
Contact Rod Stephens (833512). Janet Dickson (835055). Dave Miles (832893) (all 01934)

Congresbury History Group

Activity Research into the history and archaeology of Congresbury.
Details Hold monthly meetings with a speaker. Organise guided walks.
Collect photographs of the village. Undertake research.
Publish booklets.
Visit our web site
Contact Chris Short Phone 01934 833764 Email

Congresbury Gardening Club

Activity Learn about and visit gardens, enter your best in the Shows. Monthly meetings from September to May.
Details Please visit our Web Site
Contact Janet Edwards Phone 01934 832557 Email

Congresbury Methodist Church

Activity  Sunday services, Bible study groups, Women’s Bright Hour, Ladies Friendly Society, Tuesday Luncheon Club
Details Minister: Rev Julie Letts. Phone: 01934 852314
Please visit our Web Site
To book the Methodist Hall click on link in the Business & Services page.
Contact Ken Hill Phone 01934 833440 Email

Congresbury Millennium Green

Activity Village green straddling the Congresbury Yeo in the centre of the village. The green is run by volunteers and helpers to keep the green tidy are always welcome.
Details  With the River Yeo flowing through the middle, rhynes around the edges, mature trees and extensive views, the Green and quiet field linked by the Millennium Bridge is at the centre of village life in Congresbury. The perfect place to picnic, fly a kite, take the kids to play, walk the dog, take the air, sketch, play, chat or just sit and enjoy the views.
Contact  Mary Short
Chairman, Management Committee
Phone  01934 833764

Congresbury Over 60’s Club

Activity  Social activities on alternate Tuesday afternoons 2:30 to 4:00pm in the War Memorial Hall.
Details  A great variety of entertainment with tea and biscuits at each meeting. Annual coffee morning, Christmas lunch. Monthly coach trips between April and September.
Contact  Irving Prowse Phone 01934 832004

Congresbury Recreation Club

Activity  To provide sports and recreation facilities for the village of Congresbury and surrounding areas.
Cricket, Football, Tennis, Skittles, Darts, Pool.
Function room available for private hire.
Well stocked bar with real ales.
SKY TV and large screen.
Details  Open 7:30-11:00pm Mon-Fri, 4:00-11:00pm Sat, 12:00-3:00pm Sun.
Meat raffle every Sunday at 2:00pm.
Click here for Web Site.
Contact Bookings & general enquiries Jo Williams (Club Steward) Phone  01934 832150                 Email
Club Affairs  Marcus Searle(Secretary)  Email

Congresbury Senior Citizens’ Lunch Club

Activity Provides a two course lunch, plus tea or coffee, for up to 45 Congresbury senior citizens once a fortnight in the Old School Rooms.
Details Congresbury Senior Citizens’ Lunch Club meets once a fortnight on a Thursday at 1pm in the Old School Rooms.
A delicious home cooked two-course lunch, plus tea or coffee, at a total cost of £3.00, is provided for up to 45 people, by volunteers.
Transport may be available if required by Yeo Valley Lions’ minibus and Congresbury Community Transport (Bluey).
If you would like to join in this enjoyable social occasion, please contact Kate Herbison for further information and to book a place for yourself, a friend or relative.
Contacts Kate Herbison Phone 01934 833521 Email

Congresbury Singers

Small (30) friendly mixed voice choir, with members from Congresbury and nearby villages
Our season runs from September to early July, with a short break at Christmas and Easter. We perform four concerts a year in November, December, April and July. We sing a variety of music from classical pieces, to folk songs and musicals – something for everyone! Recent concerts have included Somervell’s ‘The Passion of Christ’ and favourites from Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals and The Greatest Showman. We rehearse on Tuesdays at 7:45pm-9:30pm in the Congresbury War Memorial Hall.
For more information
See our Facebook Page –  click here
Liz Sampson (Secretary) Phone 01934 876104

Congresbury Tennis Club

Activity  We are a friendly tennis club, providing facilities to support and encourage the playing of tennis for all ages and abilities from the village and the surrounding area. The club offers social and competitive tennis as well as coaching opportunities for all ages and levels.
Details  Please visit our web site.
Contact Michael and Alexa Holder Phone  01934 830214 Email

Congresbury War Memorial Hall

ActivitySocial ClubAppleshedSkittles
 BadmintonBilliards & SnookerBingo
 KarateFolk NightBook Sales
 Morris DancingAero Modellers ClubZumba
Young Farmers Activities
DetailsBook Sales 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month.
Aero Modellers meet 2nd Thursday of the month.
Social Club open Mon and Friday (with draw) from 7:30.
Contact Phone01934 832727  

Congresbury Youth Club

Activity To inspire and challenge young people to change our world.
Details Choice: a range of opportunities designed for young people.
Welcome: a chance to meet other young people and adults in a safe and friendly environment.
Support: to help young people make informed choices and decisions, and to be listened to without being judged.
Equality: opportunities to question and judge attitudes in a positive way.
Contact Karen Pike Phone 07725 989187 Email
Alex Ballard 07894 338 995

Congresbury Youth Partnership

Activity A registered charity (1096207) set up in February 2002, our objectives are:
  • Providing activities for young people predominantly in the age range 8 to 14 in the village of Congresbury.
  • Promoting and developing teenage and adult volunteering and young people’s involvement in the community.

Details Please visit our Web Site

Contact  Karen Pike Phone 07725 989187 Email
  Alex Ballard   01934 853201    

Cubs and Beavers

Activity Camping, craft and other outdoor activities
Details Cubs (aged 8 -10½) meet on Thursdays from 6.30 to 8.00
Beavers, meet on Fridays
Contact Geoff Bailey Phone 01934 833662 Email