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Closure of Weir & Footpath

We have had the following response from another villager to the posting regarding the closure of the weir and footpaths:

I  am a regular dog walker around the fields along the river.

Earlier this week, I spoke to the contractor who was overseeing the team working on the mill pond. I understand from that conversation that there is an agreement between the Environment Agency and Urchinwood Farm that the normal path up the river from the weir should be diverted down the side of the Urchinwood field crossing over the rhyne close to the gate on the right of way to allow access through that normal gate into the further Urchinwood field.

There are a possible two crossings over the rhyne. At the time of writing both  crossings are barred, one by gates the other by barriers which have not been put in place by the contractors working on the mill pond. Neither crossing is easy as they are overgrown with nettles. Furthermore, the nearby gate between the two Urchinwood fields has been padlocked, the hinge secured and the gate wired with barbed wire with a notice stating that it is not a right of way. Further similar notices have been posted nearer the Millenium Field. Walkers have taken to climbing over the Urchinwood gate regardless of the warning sign or the barbed wire.

To add to the frustration of walkers, the works around the mill pond have been complicated by changes to the mill pond since the original Environment Agency survey some time ago. These changes are adding considerably to the time it is taking to complete the works.

I emphasise that I have not spoken directly to the Environment Agency, but have no reason to doubt the word of the contractor to whom I have spoken.

Editors Note:
This is clearly going to be of concern to many in the village and it is suggested that all comments on the closure of the weir and footpaths are sent to Congresbury Parish Council and/or the Environment Agency.

Closure of Weir & Footpath

A villager has reported that the Weir & associated footpaths have been closed by the Environment Agency. This effectively cuts the village in half with no access from the north to get to the precinct and no access to footpaths along the river from either side. 

The EA put up a diversion sign along the farmers field & through one of his gates. This was not agreed with the farmer and he has since closed, Locked & barbed wired the gate. 

Neither side of the village can get to the river by the normal route. 

I have written and rung the EA to register a complaint and would urge others to do so as well. There is no date for the works to be completed & the paths open again. 

Please pass this message on.

Congresbury History Group

Strawberry Line Co-Creation Session 1

Free event on Friday, 5th July 6-8pm

Old School Rooms (St Congar’s)

Following a first successful research meeting with members of the Congresbury History Group in February 2024, Bristol-based artist and filmmaker Simone Einfalt is now organising a first Community Co-Creation Session with the wider group and interested residents of all backgrounds and ages.

She will create a new body of work (a site-specific exhibition) using documentary and art mediums such as film, sculpture and sound installation to represent and interpret the Strawberry Line area and Congresbury’s heritage. The project is due to be presented in a local venue early next year.

Therefore, we are collecting past and present stories of the Strawberry Line, the historic railway, St Congar, the Somerset Levels, Floods as well as family heritage, local traditions, myths and folk song. This list of themes is not exhaustive so please consider contributing your story if you have something interesting to share.

  • This will be a Drop-in session (arrive at any time and share your story).
  • We are collecting your stories as notes, audio recording or on video, you are warmly invited to share in the format you feel most comfortable with.
  • Everyone welcome!  

To look up Simone’s work, please visit 

Any questions please get in touch via or call Simone on 07443823497.

Notification of Planning Appeal – Land north of Mulberry Road, Congresbury – 22/P/0459/OUT



Site Address: Land north of Mulberry Road Congresbury BS49 5HD

Description of development: Outline planning application for the erection of up to 70no. dwellings (including 30% affordable housing), public open space, children’s play area, landscaping, sustainable urban drainage system and engineering works, with vehicular access off Mulberry Road. All matters reserved except for means of access.

Application Ref:           22/P/0459/OUT

Appellant’s Name:      M7 Planning Limited and M7 SW LLP

Appeal Reference       APP/D0121/W/24/3344142

Appeal Start Date        7 June 2024

For more details click here

Garden shed break in – Glen Yeo Terrace

A garden shed was broken into on Glen Yeo Terrace, Congresbury, between 8pm on the 12th and 10am on the 13th. The suspects gained entry by ripping the lock from the door, where inside a pressure washer, batteries, and two chainsaws were stolen.

Any information, CCTV images, please contact the Police on 101 quoting reference number: 5224122585 stating NHW. Or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Thank you for your support.
