A new term for the Congresbury Singers starts on Tuesday 3rd September at the War Memorial Hall in Congresbury at 7.30pm. All are welcome – no audition is required so please do pop along if you are interested!
Do you want to play badminton?
12B Wrington Road Congresbury BS49 5AN
Date | Wed 17 Jul 2024 |
Application Type | Tree works |
Development | Reduction of Spruce by 2m and raise canopy by 6m from the ground. |
Jessamine Cottage Dolemoor Lane Congresbury BS49 5ED
Date | Mon 15 Jul 2024 |
Application Type | Full Planning Permission |
Development | Outline application with all matters reserved for subsequent approval for the demolition of existing detached garage and outbuildings and erection of 1no. dwelling |
YACWAG Newsletter June 2024
Garden shed break in – Glen Yeo Terrace
A garden shed was broken into on Glen Yeo Terrace, Congresbury, between 8pm on the 12th and 10am on the 13th. The suspects gained entry by ripping the lock from the door, where inside a pressure washer, batteries, and two chainsaws were stolen.
Any information, CCTV images, please contact the Police on 101 quoting reference number: 5224122585 stating NHW. Or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Thank you for your support.
sheds-and-garages-1STAR Bereavement Peer Support Group
Congresbury Bowling Club – looking for new members!
Congresbury Bowling Club are after new members and have a Club night every Monday at 6pm where people can just come along and have a go. They are a really friendly and social club and have events all year round.
Congresbury-Bowling-ClubRepair Cafe – Congars Cafe
Travel news – Wood Hill / A370 junction closure
Those who have kept a keen eye on the roadworks via OneNetwork will no doubt be aware that the Wood Hill junction is due for closure from 25th March. Signs up on Wood Hill show that this closure will be longer than is currently being shown on OneNetwork – indicating that it will be closed until 23rd August. The closure is part of North Somerset’s Bus Service Improvement Plan. This is just a warning to those who may not pass by that way every day!
Beware: Missing pet posts on social media
No doubt anyone with a social media account will be familiar with the occasional missing pet appeals, but did you know there could be another reason behind these posts.
Do please take a couple of moments to read the attached advice.
missing-pet-posts-on-social-mediaBereavement Peer Support Group
The Yatton and Congresbury STAR group has moved! Now at:
Where: Congars Cafe, 1 Broad Street, Congresbury
When: 3rd Monday of every month, 2pm – 4pm. Starting Monday 18th March.
For more info please contact congarscafe20@gmail.com
NEW_STAR_POSTERExisting Agricultural Building Wrington Hill Wrington Congresbury
Date | Mon 08 Jan 2024 |
Application Type | Removal of condition 2 of planning permission 99/0102 |
Development | Removal of condition 2 of planning permission 99/0102 (retention of alterations and extensions to ex-shooting lodge) |
Challacombe 5 Pauls Causeway Congresbury BS49 5DH
Date | Tue 09 Jan 2024 |
Application Type | Tree works |
Development | Leylandii (T1) – Crown reduction by up 2mtrs to side only over neighbours boundary |
Methodist Church News
YACWAG – Jan / Feb 2024 diary dates
Saturday 6th January: Window Wanderland workshop for youth group leaders. 10am – 12noon Yatton Library, High Street, BS49 4HJ and 3 – 5pm Congar’s Cafe, 1, Broad Street, Congresbury, BS49 5DG. Please email contact@yacwag.org.uk to attend.
Saturday 13th January: 10am – 3pm Trees for Climate planting day. Cobthorn Reserve, Congresbury, BS49 5DS. Please bring a spade and work gloves. Let us know you are coming by emailing contact@yacwag.org.uk.
Sunday 14th January: as above, reserve date in case of bad weather or work unfinished.
Thursday 25th January: 7.30pm for 7.45pm start at the Old School Rooms, Station Road (A370) Congresbury, BS49 5DY. “The Belmont Project” – an illustrated talk by Gil Martin, about the local regenerative farming project.
Thursday 15th, Friday 16th and Saturday 17th February: 5.30 – 8.30pm. YACWAG’s Window Wanderland on the theme “Nature as our Neighbour.” Please decorate your street-facing window and leave the lights on to help create an illuminated walking trail for the community.
Thursday 22nd February: 7.30pm for 7.45pm start at Horsecastle Chapel, Horsecastle Farm Road, Yatton, BS49 4QQ. “Round YACWAG’s Reserves” – an update by Richard Croucher. Illustrated talk suitable for those new to YACWAG and those who heard the previous talk some years ago.
Methodist Church News
Dementia Awareness Session at Congresbury Bowls Club. This event is open to everybody.
Congars Cafe is hoping to put on more events in the New Year and so as well as the monthly fused glass workshops, we are looking for other craft workshops or groups that would like to make use of the cafe space to put on their workshop or have a regular group meeting. People can either hire the cafe out of hours or in cafe opening times and catering can be provided by us.
If you are interested then please make contact us on 07715876827 to discuss your needs further.
Yatton Information Hub and Cafe. For carers and people living with dementia
Christmas Shopping Event
Saturday 25th Nov 1-3pm
Second Christmas Shopping Event to be held at the Rec Club.
A370, West Town Road, Backwell – ADVANCED CLOSURE NOTICE X1. Diversion Information from First Bus Website
The A370, West Town Road in Backwell between Station Road and Brockley Combe Road will be closed to service X1 between 08:00 and 17:00 from Monday 23rd through to Friday 27th October (five days) to facilitate carriageway works.
Service X1 heading towards Weston-super-Mare will be diverted via Colliters Way, A38, Langford to Congresbury traffic lights.
Due to the length of the diversion route and the amount of traffic that will be seeking alternative routes please allow extra time to make your journey.
Please also note there will be overnight closures 20:00 – 06:00 the following week 30th October to 4th November and the same diversion routes and bus stop closures will apply and the web page will be updated to reflect this nearer the time. Please monitor this page for any updates that may be necessary.
Regretfully the bus stops between and including Jubilee Inn in Long Ashton and Congresbury Bridge will not be served and passengers are advised to board or alight at either Winterstoke Road bus stop in Ashton or the Strawberry Line bus stop in Congresbury.
Service X1 heading towards Bristol will operate the reverse of the above.
Regretfully the bus stops between and including Tesco in Congresbury and Jubilee Inn in Long Ashton will not be served and passengers are advised to board or alight at either Station Road bus stop in Congresbury or the Blackmoors Lane bus stop in Ashton.
Alternatively, passengers wishing to travel between Backwell and Bristol can board the X8 service.
YACWAG October 2023 Newsletter
Congresbury Art Groups combined exhibition
28th & 29th October. Venue – The Old School rooms
Congresbury Rec and Congresbury Ladies 2nd Christmas Shopping Event
Illustrated talk on A Trip to Steep Holm
Facebook test
Rotary Club – Free talk at the Bridge Inn
Get to know your sewing machine workshop
Scheme for 90 Houses Behind Park Road & Mulberry Road
Congresbury’s residents are being urged to attend next Wednesday’s meeting of North Somerset Council’s planning committee to demonstrate their opposition to a new housing scheme.
The scheme, for up to 90 houses on a field behind Park and Mulberry Roads, has been hanging over residents for more than 18 months while land agents M7 tried to answer more than 1,000 objections to the plan.
Because the officer has recommended approval, Congresbury’s district councillor Dan Thomas has referred the matter to the council’s planning committee.
Said CRAG’s Mary Short: “This would be a high density, urban development on an ecologically, historically and socially important site which is totally inappropriate.
“Also, M7 seems to be trying to influence the decision by promising to build a new surgery. Their previous attempt at this was not supported by either the NHS or Mendip Vale Medical Practice, so it is a pointless offer.”
The Planning Committee meeting is scheduled for 2.30pm next Wednesday at Weston town hall, entrance through the old building.
Congresbury Singers Concert
Congresbury singers “Touch of Nostalgia” concert with guest appearance from classical guitarist John Sydenham.
Saturday 18th November 2023. 7.30 at The War Memorial Hall Congresbury
Tickets £10 to include Wine & buffet. Available from PO. Re-Store or on the door.