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Scheme for 90 Houses Behind Park Road & Mulberry Road

Congresbury’s residents are being urged to attend next Wednesday’s meeting of North Somerset Council’s planning committee to demonstrate their opposition to a new housing scheme.

The scheme, for up to 90 houses on a field behind Park and Mulberry Roads, has been hanging over residents for more than 18 months while land agents M7 tried to answer more than 1,000 objections to the plan.

Because the officer has recommended approval, Congresbury’s district councillor Dan Thomas has referred the matter to the council’s planning committee.

Said CRAG’s Mary Short: “This would be a high density, urban development on an ecologically, historically and socially important site which is totally inappropriate.

“Also, M7 seems to be trying to influence the decision by promising to build a new surgery. Their previous attempt at this was not supported by either the NHS or Mendip Vale Medical Practice, so it is a pointless offer.”

The Planning Committee meeting is scheduled for 2.30pm next Wednesday at Weston town hall, entrance through the old building.

Congresbury Singers Concert

Congresbury singers “Touch of Nostalgia” concert with guest appearance from classical guitarist John Sydenham.

Saturday 18th November 2023. 7.30 at The War Memorial Hall Congresbury

Tickets £10 to include Wine & buffet. Available from PO. Re-Store or on the door.

Next CAMEO talk

The next CAMEO talk is by Marion Johnson – journalist and so much  more. From her first job until after retirement, the Clevedon Mercury expanded Marion Johnson’s life, as she will reveal on Wednesday, May 10 at 7.30 p.m. in Congresbury Methodist Hall. Entry £2 to include tea/coffee & biscuits. Everyone is welcome.

CAMEO (Come and meet each other) meets the second Wednesday of the month in Congresbury.

Congresbury Annual Parish meeting

There will be an Annual Parish meeting on Thursday 20th April in the Jubilee Hall, Old School Rooms, Congresbury at 7:00pm. To view the agenda, go to the parish council website by clicking here

Playing field trustees need a volunteer treasurer

The trustees of the King George V playing fields in Congresbury, home to the cricket, tennis and football clubs, are looking for a volunteer to take on the role of Honorary Treasurer.

The KGV Fields were established in 1935 under a trust with the core purpose of the provision of sport and recreation for those who live in the Parish of Congresbury. The fields were transferred to Fields in Trust and are administered by the Trustees of the KGV Fields, Congresbury which is a registered charity. 

Under the terms of the trust the trustees consist of nominees from each of Congresbury cricket, football and tennis clubs, Congresbury parish council, St Andrews School and the British Legion. Additional trustees may be co-opted 

The trustees delegate the day-to-day management of the playing fields to Congresbury Recreation Club.

The role of the treasurer is to manage the trustees’ bank account, report on the financial position to the quarterly trustee meeting and prepare simple annual accounts for approval by the trustees. There are only on average three or four transactions a month with trustees net assets of some £5,000. Activity will increase going forward as the trustees will be the developer of the replacement sports and recreation building for which planning permission has recently been granted.

The role of Honorary Treasurer is not onerous and even with the increased activity involved in the development of a new building should not involve more than a few hours a month. Some financial knowledge/experience is desirable. The trustees use QuickBooks, a simple online accounting package. Training in the operation of this would be provided if required.

The KGV Fields are central to village life in Congresbury and are a fantastic community asset providing sport and recreational facilities to people of all ages. The cricket, football and tennis clubs are all thriving and the prospect of a new, modern building with facilities for all represents an exciting future.  Please consider whether you would like to be involved.

If you are interested please contact

Les Owen, Chair of the KGV Trustees

07902 874142